Sunday, April 27, 2014

Understanding Wheat - Beyond Gluten & Celiac

I am offering a new educational presentation about food. In Understanding Wheat - Beyond Gluten & Celiac, I present information I learned through The Gluten Summit. I previously blogged about this free online event that occurred in November 2013. I recommend that you read that posting, which is more extensive than today's post.

I also give a Dangerous Grains presentation which discusses health issues associated with consuming grains in general, including wheat. For people who consume a lot of grain-based Gluten Free packaged foods, understanding this can be life changing. 

I offer presentations about a variety of food and nutrition topics. All of my presentations incorporate PowerPoint slides, which I make a concerted effort to have be interesting. There's nothing worse than a sleep-inducing presentation with unreadable slides! I get great audience feedback. These are the topics I currently have available. Genetically Modified Foods - GMOs, MSG, Soy, Vitamin D, and Cholesterol & Fats.

I am available to give presentations in or around the areas where I live or frequently visit. In Washington State: Olympia, Seattle, and Oroville. In British Columbia: Penticton, Kelowna, and nearby areas. If you are interested in organizing a group for a presentation, please contact me at

Expanding My Understanding

In the past couple of months, I've been completing a program in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN). My perspective on health has expanded dramatically - partially through shock in my personal experience. At the same time, I've been preparing the Dangerous Grains and Understanding Wheat presentations. So I have reviewed interviews from The Gluten Summit, reread William Davis' Wheat Belly, and read other books. More fully understanding the dynamics of wheat has contributed to new depths of health understanding. I am writing about FDN and this experience in a posting on my other blog, Breathe, Life's Inspirations with Sandra. I invite you to read it.

As a practitioner of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, I order functional lab tests for you and help you identify imbalances that are contributing to your malfunctions! You really can heal yourself and return to normal function, using lifestyle modifications and drug-free protocols using natural supplements. Check my other posting for more information. Feel free to contact me if you have questions.

The Gluten Summit

The Gluten Summit is the source of the information that I present in Understanding Wheat - Beyond Gluten & Celiac. I wrote about this event in November. This summit transformed my understanding of how wheat impacts health.

Would you like to purchase permanent access to The Gluten Summit's recordings, slideshows, and transcripts? Details are available through this link. (If you purchase through this link, Sandra will receive a small affiliate credit.)

Here's to Healthy Eating!

Appointments -- Penticton, Olympia, Telephone, . . .

I will be in Olympia, Washington in mid May, and would love to work with you.

I offer Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, Human Design readings, The Body Code/The Emotion Code, and Spiritual Response Therapy by telephone, Skype, and in person. In Penticton, B.C., and in Olympia, Washington, I offer in-person bodywork and energy work appointments.

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions, or if you would like to schedule an appointment.

If you would like to schedule a food and nutrition presentation, as discussed above, please contact me.

Thank You's, Comments and Suggestions! There is a comments link at the end of the newsletter.

I love hearing from you and receiving your feedback.

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Here's to Healthy Eating!



Sandra Lynn Lee
Licensed Massage Practitioner, Washington
Human Design Specialist
Certified Practitioner - The Emotion Code/The Body Code
Certified Healing Codes Practitioner
Miracle Inspirations

Everything in this newsletter is the opinion of the author and is provided for informational and educational purposes only. When information is drawn from outside sources, both credit and access to the source are given, when available.
Copyright 2014 Miracle Inspirations. All rights reserved.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Gluten is a Bigger Problem Than You Think

More than 300 symptoms could be caused by the consumption of gluten, yet a very small percentage of the population knows it could be fueling the cause.

If you want to read the general information I wrote before the Gluten Summit, skip down to Not Gluten Sensitive?  I share my personal wheat experience, and discuss why you might want to learn more about gluten and health.

The Gluten Summit 

This free online event occurred November 11-17, and it was phenomenal.  Interviews with 29 experts revealed a wide range of astounding facts about gluten sensitivity.  In recent years, I have learned a ton of useful and impactful things in free online summits, and this one was better than average.  Host Tom O'Bryan over-delivered on his promise to transform the listener's understanding of the health impacts of gluten and wheat.

Permanent Access to the Information

Before the event started, I knew wanted to have this information forever.  You can still purchase access to recordings, slideshows, and transcripts through this link.  An overwhelming amount of information was delivered in a short period of time, even for me.  I will listen to the interviews many times. (If you purchase through this link, Sandra receives a small affiliate credit.)

Technical Information Made Understandable

Many of the doctors, researchers, and other experts provided technical information about gluten sensitivity and health.  For months, I've been immersed in books and interviews discussing this topic, so I really enjoyed hearing the science and the health specifics.  My grasp of the whole gluten picture is expanded.

And I understand why many people were overwhelmed by the terminology and the science.
Dr. O'Bryan did a fantastic job of summarizing in plain English the meaning conveyed by the experts.
When each expert shared particularly important concepts, Dr. O'Bryan immediately translated them into easily understood language.  So everyone could understand these vital points.

What do I do now???

Many Summit presenters focused on practical considerations, important issues, and useful techniques. This is valuable information for people who want or need to switch to gluten-free eating.  I will employ many of these techniques myself.

Not Gluten Sensitive?

Even if you do not believe that consuming gluten and wheat negatively impacts your health, you may find this information enlightening.

Current research shows that gluten sensitivity goes far beyond digestion.  Gluten can impact your brain, as well as all of the other functional systems of your body.

Gluten sensitivity frequently manifests as silent symptoms.  You may be completely unaware that you are reacting to gluten.

My Experience

Personally, I do not have problems with wheat or gluten.  I do not have digestive problems or other health issues triggered by wheat. . . . At least I think I don't.

Gluten sensitivity can be silent.  Silent reactions are still reactions, still causing life- and health-impacting harm.

Since reading a book about wheat about a year ago, I have mostly avoided wheat- and gluten-containing foods.  Yet, I was choosing to be okay with occasional wheat consumption.

Having taken in the Gluten Summit, I am now being more careful in avoiding gluten.  Most significantly, my efforts to avoid gluten will be more strict when I'm away from home.


Avoiding gluten is important as a protective measure for Brain and overall health.

Many people think that gluten sensitivity only impacts digestion.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  Gluten reactions can impact your brain, muscles, immune system, skin, thyroid, depression, sleep . . .  Gluten reactivity contributes to many autoimmune conditions.

Did you know that gluten free foods are not necessarily truly gluten free?  I mis-remember the specifics, but you will get the gist.  American standards for gluten free food labeling allow for the presence of 19 parts per billion of gluten!  For people who are extremely sensitive, that's more than enough to trigger serious reactions.

There are substances in wheat that are not digestible by any human being!

Wheat causes permeability of the intestines in every person.  Over time, this can become what is commonly called leaky gut, where undigested food particles are readily able to enter your bloodstream.

Gluten causes reactions that may seriously damage a wide variety of your body's tissues and organs. This may occur years before you consciously experience any symptoms.

For someone who is gluten sensitive, consuming one particle of gluten can cause an immune reaction that attacks the body's tissues.  This reactivity lasts for three or more months!!  You can't just 'remove' the visible wheat from a dish of food and have it be acceptable.

The most commonly administered gluten reactivity test is for celiac disease, one symptom of which is serious damage to the lining of your intestines.  This test fails to identify 50% or more of people who are gluten sensitive.  Therefore, a 'negative' result on this lab test may indicate that gluten is safe for you to consume, when in actuality, gluten consumption could be threatening your life.  It is important to do a test (from Cyrex Labs) that identifies reactivity to a much larger spectrum of substances in wheat.

Presentation at Whole Foods Market, Penticton, B.C.

On Tuesday, May 6, 2014, I am giving a presentation about wheat and some of the health issues associated with consuming it. Join us at Whole Foods Market in Penticton, British Columbia. 7:00 p.m. Registration at the store's website is highly recommended, as the event is likely to be filled to capacity. Go to the events section of the website.

You Can Access The Gluten Summit Interviews

This information could change your life forever.  Even before the summit began, it had already changed how I eat.

This package provides access to recordings, slideshows, and transcripts of the interviews. (If you purchase through this link, Sandra receives a small affiliate credit.)

Here's to Healthy Eating!



Sandra Lynn Lee
Licensed Massage Practitioner, Washington
Human Design Specialist
Certified Practitioner - The Emotion Code/The Body Code
Certified Healing Codes Practitioner
Miracle Inspirations

Everything in this newsletter is the opinion of the author and is provided for informational and educational purposes only. When information is drawn from outside sources, both credit and access to the source are given, when available.
Copyright 2013 Miracle Inspirations. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Oil Pulling & Health

Do you have a history of problems with your teeth and gums? When speaking with people, are you ever concerned that your breath smells bad?

Could health challenges like arthritis and cardiovascular disease be related to your dental problems? Yes!

Recent science indicates that oral health tremendously impacts the health of your entire body.

A Simple, Inexpensive, Non-Invasive Health Practice that is Extraordinarily Effective

Oil pulling is, quite possibly the easiest way for you to improve your health status. Breathing air and drinking water are the only two impactful health maintenance activities that are easier. Oil pulling requires no health care providers, no medications or supplements, and no equipment. Swish vegetable oil around in your mouth every day, and that's it!

Oil pulling does not cure anything! It does pull pathogenic organisms and toxins out of your mouth, thus removing them from your body. This reduces the load that your immune system has to contend with, making it easier for your body to heal itself.

Microbes Populate Your Mouth

There are more bacteria, viruses, and fungi in your mouth than you can imagine! Some are important for the health of your digestive system and the functioning of your body as a whole. Others have the potential to be pathogenic, if their numbers were to grow unrestrained.

When your mouth is healthy, pathogenic organisms are kept under control by your digestive and immune systems. But if you have even low levels of infection in your teeth or gums (and practically everyone does, whether they are aware of it or not), the bacteria enter into your bloodstream. They then migrate to locations where they are free to proliferate, contributing to a whole host of health conditions that are not conventionally associated with oral health.

Ayurvedic in Origins, Updated to Current Times

Practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine have used oil pulling for generations. Swishing vegetable oil in the mouth draws bacteria out of the mouth, and therefore out of the body. You then spit the oil out, disposing of the bacteria along with the oil.

The technique has been refined to be more effective. A particularly beneficial modification is the switch to coconut oil, from sunflower or other oils.

Coconut oil has several benefits compared with other oils, recommending it as particularly suitable for oil pulling.

1) Taste and consistency. Coconut oil tastes better and is more palatable to have in your mouth than are other oils.

2) It's just food! There are no doctor's prescriptions or oversight. And if you've already got coconut oil for cooking, there's nothing special to buy. (If you read Bruce Fife's books about coconut oil, you'll become a fan too. It is fantastic as a nutritive food for daily consumption, and it is safe to use in cooking. I blogged about this back in 2007. If you don't know about the benefits of coconut oil, this is worth checking out.)

3) Anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic. All by itself, coconut oil has these tremendous beneficial qualities. This anti-microbial property of coconut oil makes it extraordinarily effective for oil pulling. You're engaging in the practice to remove bacteria and other pathogens. Why not use a safe, anti-bacterial food substance as the vehicle?

How does it get any better than that??

Oil Pulling Therapy: Detoxifying and Healing the Body Through Oral Cleansing  - A Must-Read Book

This book by Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D. is awesome!  He explains it all, the why's and how's of oil pulling. He does it so much better than I do, that I'm mostly going to quote from him.  (Here is a link to the book on Amazon.)

Of course, the most direct benefit is to your oral health. Most of the stories in the book relate to non-oral changes that people have experienced, perhaps because the changes are so significant.

Here are a few Why's for you from the book. Oil Pulling Therapy: Detoxifying and Healing the Body Through Oral Cleansing, by Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D.

"Humans have more bacteria in their mouths than dogs do. Considering all the disgusting places where dogs like to stick their muzzles, their mouths are amazingly clean. You would pick up more germs from kissing your spouse on the lips than you would from kissing the mouth of a drooling dog! . . . Dogs have antibodies in their saliva that are not found in the human mouth. These antibodies kill disease-causing germs."

"The average toilet seat harbors fewer bacteria per square inch than the human mouth! There are more bacteria in your mouth right now than there are on the bottom of the average shoe."

"Teeth represent only 10 percent of the surface of your mouth and bacteria live throughout the whole mouth. When you stop brushing, bacteria left behind resettle on your teeth and gums. Oil pulling reaches virtually 100 percent of the mouth, thereby affecting all bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa in the mouth."

Dr. Fife relays so many stories of miraculous health turnarounds that I was compelled to be more consistent in my oil pulling. I'm only going to share one testimonial here, from the first page of chapter 1.

"I began oil pulling seven months ago," says Tara of Melbourne, Australia. "I suffered with chronic fatigue for 14 years . . . I was confined to bed rest and had limited mobility." Tara also suffered from fibromyalgia. "I was in chronic pain and was suicidal. I could barely move my tongue inside my mouth and could not walk. . . I kept oil pulling, and changes occurred incrementally every day until after a couple of weeks my health was back to normal . . . I am now more fit and active, and don't need to rest as much. I had been living this way for years, and oil pulling gave me my life back. It also cleared up a skin problem I had when nothing else seemed to work. . . . Oil pulling has changed my life." Within just a few short weeks Tara had overcome two chronic illnesses that doctors say cannot be cured.

The How's

Put coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around. I've received differing instructions for the amount. A teaspoon to a tablespoon are the amounts I've seen.

I can't imagine starting with a tablespoon, because the volume increases with saliva. Dr. Fife says to start with 1-2 teaspoons, and to spit part of it out when it gets to be too much fluid in your mouth. Spitting some out then continuing with the pulling doesn't work for me; I start with an amount of oil that I can handle. Looking at my measuring spoons indicates that I start with a little over 1/8 teaspoon of coconut oil. It's not much, but it works. If you have a lot of bacteria in your system, perhaps using a larger amount makes a difference. Experiment.

The recommended time for oil pulling is about twenty minutes. You may not be able to do it for that long at first. I set a timer then go do other things while pulling.

When the time is up, spit the mix out. The oil mixed with saliva create a white-colored emulsion. Coconut oil is solid below 76F/24C, so the sink is not a wise disposal option. Some people put it in the garbage. I've flushed it down the toilet, but am still concerned about the potential for clogging the drains. My favored option is spitting it onto the soil in the garden, where the sun and air can tend to any bacteria.

Oil pulling once a day is recommended. If you've got significant dental problems, or significant health problems, consider doing it two or even three times a day. Since there's absolutely nothing about it that can hurt you, go for it. (If you're concerned about potential risks from consumption of coconut oil's saturated fat, I recommend you read my 2007 blog post about fats and oils.)

Potential Detoxification Symptoms & Healing Responses

Anytime you do something that is ultimately beneficial, there is always the possibility that you may experience increased symptoms associated with an existing condition, or new symptoms. This is an indication that your body is cleaning house, and that it is ramping up its healing efforts.

With oil pulling, trust that all that is happening is pathogenic organisms and toxins are being pulled out of your body. This reduces the load on your immune system, supporting your body in healing itself.

There's Nothing to Lose & Your Health to Gain

I want to repeat a sentence from one of the quotes above.

"Oil pulling reaches virtually 100 percent of the mouth, thereby affecting all bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa in the mouth." ~ Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D.

That's it. It doesn't get any simpler or easier. Try it for a while and see what happens. You may be pleasantly surprised.

My Oil Pulling Changes

Today, I noticed something different. I'm quite healthy, so changes are likely to be subtle. I added one completely new maintenance practice this month, along with becoming consistent with the oil pulling that I started intermittently in January/February. So it's impossible to tell if it's the oil pulling, the other new practice, or the combination of both along with everything else I was already doing. But, . . .

I have no menstrual symptoms today. In the past, my PMS symptoms have been limited to one to two days of minor cramp-like discomfort. Today would be the day for that, but it's not happening. Sooo, something's different. One change reported associated with oil pulling is balancing of hormones. So my experience is consistent with this.

I will update this posting with what I notice over time. I've been consistently oil pulling for about two weeks. Plus I rinse my mouth with brine solution after eating. Since reading the book last week, most days, I oil pull twice a day. After I wrote this posting last week, I realized that my gums are clearly healthier. With other dental care changes that I had made, they were already better. But there is noticeable additional improvement. I used to have a light coating on my tongue, whitish. It's gone.

Evidence That This Works. March 25. Rather than attempting to track the number of days that I've been oil pulling, I'm going to record it by date. I first published this blog post on March 12.

When I wrote last week, I was already aware that there was decreased plaque deposition on my teeth. Today, I have clear evidence. Due to a busier than usual schedule, I did not oil pull at all today. I did it twice yesterday and the day before, but not at all today. I brushed my teeth this morning, then had a full day of activity. It is now time to prepare for sleep.

Before I began oil pulling, flossing had shown how much plaque was accumulated on my teeth. If I brushed first then flossed, usually there would be observable plaque on the floss. More than I would expect to see after brushing.

Tonight, I purposely flossed before brushing. And saw less plaque removed from my teeth than I would previously have observed after brushing!! My teeth definitely feel smoother (pre-brushing), another indication that there is less plaque accumulation. This on a day when I brushed once in the morning and didn't oil pull at all.

What does this say? That consistent oil pulling decreased the amount of bacteria in my mouth. Even on a day when I did not oil pull at all, there is significantly less plaque buildup by day's end than there used to be.

Tell Me Your Stories

If you have oil pulling experiences to share, send me your stories. I may post significant testimonials here, in limited numbers.

To finish, . . . Did you ever watch Horton Hears a Who? I saw it on television many long years ago. What I heard when preparing my final thought is this from that children's movie, "Boil that dust speck! Boil that dust speck!" So say the following with that rhythm and emphasis.

Pull That Bacteria! Pull That Bacteria!



Sandra Lynn Lee
Licensed Massage Practitioner, Washington
Human Design Specialist
Certified Practitioner - The Emotion Code/The Body Code
Certified Healing Codes Practitioner
Miracle Inspirations

Everything in this newsletter is the opinion of the author and is provided for informational and educational purposes only. When information is drawn from outside sources, both credit and access to the source are given, when available.
Copyright 2013 Miracle Inspirations. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Californial GMO Labeling Bill - Defeated

Unfortunately, California's ballot initiative, Proposition 37 was defeated.

Corporate interests that are heavily invested in the continued proliferation of GMO's spent MEGA bucks to defeat this voter initiative.

Thanks to the efforts of many very dedicated individuals, millions more people are now educated about the dangers of GMO's.

We will continue on.

Bills will be introduced in the Washington State legislature again this session. I'm certain this will be occurring in many other states.

Ultimately, it would be the responsibility of our federal government to regulate this. But we start with the states, as federal agencies are proving to be so resistant.

Return power to the People!

If you wish to read my October post on this issue, here is a link.


Sandra Lynn Lee
Human Design Specialist
Certified Practitioner - The Emotion Code/The Body Code
Certified Healing Codes Practitioner
Miracle Inspirations

Everything in this newsletter is the opinion of the author and is provided for informational and educational purposes only. When information is drawn from outside sources, both credit and access to the source are given, when available.
Copyright 2012 Miracle Inspirations. All rights reserved.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Say No to GMO's

If you are 'new' to the genetically modified food conversation and want to know what GMO's are, go to my February, 2011 posting. With the prominence of the GMO issue in today's American food culture, GMO activist and information sites are proliferating. Yes! Awareness is one step on the road to change. A web search will provide access to volumes of information. So I'm not going to discuss the basics further today.

Feeding Study - Genetically Modified Foods

GMO's have been inadequately studied, and certainly have not been proven to be safe. In fact, many studies indicate that GMO's are actively dangerous. A feeding study was recently completed in France, showing horrendous cancerous development in the poor animals who were fed GMO corn.

Here is a link to a video about the research.

This is the research paper.

Labeling - We Have a Right to Know!

We have a right to know what is in our food! All over the world, people are expressing concern about the presence of genetically modified ingredients. At the very least, the safety of these ingredients has not been proven.

GMO's are banned in some countries, and labeling of their presence in foods is required by many more, including the European Union. I'm not certain of the numbers, but 50 is frequently quoted as the number of countries. The exclusion of the United States and Canada from these lists is yet another indication of the influence exerted over the U.S. government by corporate giants.

California Ballot Initiative - Proposition 37

In just a few weeks, California will vote on Proposition 37, a Mandatory Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food Initiative. When this passes into law, it would be ridiculous to label foods to be sold in California separately. So when California approves labeling, the whole country benefits. And we hope that Canada will see the light too.

If you live in California, VOTE! If you know someone who lives in California, educate them and tell them to vote.

The Organic Consumers Association is one group which is organizing the campaign in California to educate voters and the general public. I encourage you to support this organization.

Corporate interests are spending big bucks to fight Prop 37. Because even bigger bucks are at stake for them, if labeling requirements are passed. When the presence of GMO's is labeled, people won't buy products containing them, and the demand for genetically modified crops will dry up. Biotechnology companies would then lose the huge revenues they rake in selling GM seeds and the chemical herbicides and pesticides that are required to cultivate these crops.

Genetic Engineering is About Control of Food, and Control of People!

We still have our rights! Say NO to GMO's!

Petition Congress
Here is a link to an online petition to Congress asking for labeling of GMO's.

Washington State Legislative Bills

Last year, we had labeling bills before both houses of the Washington State Legislature. I attended the Senate and House public hearings, along with huge crowds of interested people.

Despite the public interest, the labeling bills were not voted on.

Bills will be introduced again in the upcoming legislative session. I will be in contact with the Chairs of the Senate and House Agriculture committees about giving them educational presentations about genetically modified foods, so they can be better informed.

Presentations About Genetically Modified Foods

I've been giving educational presentations about GMO's for close to two years. My audiences enjoy the experience and learn a lot.

I'm available in British Columbia, Canada, and Washington State to give slide presentations about GMO's. For the most part, I am in the B.C. Okanagan, and in the areas around Olympia, Seattle, and Okanogan Valley in Washington. If you are expecting a sizable group, I'm open to the possibility of traveling a bit farther. Contact me at if you are interested in scheduling.

In September, I gave a talk in Yelm, Washington that was more advanced than my general presentation. This group wanted information about the science behind genetic engineering. We were fortunate to have Andrew and Lisa of New Leaf Media Group in attendance to professionally record it on video. They did a fabulous job, and it is now available on YouTube! Wow. Thanks Andrew and Lisa.

Here's a link to the Understanding the Science of Genetically Modified Foods video.

Here's to Your Health, and to Health Supporting Food!!

You are a Miracle!

Thank You's, Comments and Suggestions! There is a comments link at the end of the newsletter.
I love hearing from you and receiving your feedback.

Share this Newsletter. You are welcome to share the link for this newsletter with your friends. Thank you for doing so. If you copy the text, please send it in entirety, and credit the source.


Sandra Lynn Lee
Licensed Massage Practitioner, Washington
Human Design Specialist
Certified Practitioner - The Emotion Code/The Body Code
Certified Healing Codes Practitioner
Miracle Inspirations

Everything in this newsletter is the opinion of the author and is provided for informational and educational purposes only. When information is drawn from outside sources, both credit and access to the source are given, when available.
Copyright 2012 Miracle Inspirations. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Magnesium is Critical

For quite a while, I've been speaking with everyone I know about magnesium supplementation as a way to protect brain function from the neuro-toxic effects of MSG. (For more about MSG, go to the posting MSG - Part 2 - Why It Affects You.)

I knew that magnesium was important for everything, but my understanding about it was limited. Now I have read a book that focuses exclusively on magnesium.

Magnesium really is critical for every part and every function of the body.

Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common nutritional problems in the industrialized world.

In preparation for writing this blog, I glanced through the book, looking for important points to share with you. I thought, "If I could include the ENTIRE first chapter, that would be perfect." Because every word of the six pages in the first chapter is important. It covers the basics of the whole book. However, . . . here are just a few high points.

Read This Book

If you want to understand why magnesium is so important for every aspect of your health, read this book. Transdermal Magnesium Therapy, by Mark Sircus, Ac., O.M.D.

For now, here's a hint of what's in the book, starting with the prevalence of magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium Deficiency is Epidemic
Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common nutritional problems in the industrialized world.

If you have a significant health condition, it is always wise to consult your personal health care provider before beginning a supplementation program.

Loss of Magnesium in Foods

Our food supplies are deficient in magnesium (as well as in many other minerals, trace minerals, and other nutrients). Processing and packaging of foods severely depletes the finished product of many nutrients. Unfortunately, even when you purchase whole fresh food ingredients from your neighborhood grocery store, they are already of diminished nutrient quality, compared with foods purchased by consumers years ago.

Cultivation of food crops over the decades has seriously depleted our soils of the substances that are vital for life. Almost everything about modern farming practices accelerates this decline. (People are increasingly aware of the problems associated with use of chemical herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers. Proliferation of genetically modified food crops results in even more chemical usage. Monoculture farming, the planting of one crop over very large areas, year after year is completely unnatural, destroys soil health, and of course, depends heavily on the application of petrochemicals. I have learned that even the process of plowing, of tilling destroys the integrity and viability of the soil ecosystem.)

The water that many people drink is also severely depleted of the minerals that would be present in naturally arising waters. Municipal water supplies may be both contaminated and mineral deficient.

Inefficient Absorption

A typical human body only contains about two ounces of magnesium; we don't need much. Our bodies are inefficient at absorbing it from the foods and liquids that we swallow. Back when people consumed only foods that were growing wild, magnesium was in almost all of their plant and animal foods. Magnesium was everywhere. So efficiently absorbing it was not required. According to the book, we only absorb about 30% of the magnesium that we get orally.

Selecting Supplements

If you have a significant health condition, it is always wise to consult your personal health care provider before beginning a supplementation program.

The most commonly used forms of magnesium supplements are poorly utilized by the body. For example, magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) is rapidly excreted through the kidneys. Despite this inefficiency, it can produce profound results, particularly if the person's body is seriously deficient. For example, paramedics administering intravenous magnesium sulfate to a heart attack victim increases the patient's chances of recovering.

The sulfate, oxide and carbonate forms are poorly utilized. These forms are used frequently, because their are less expensive than are the better utilized forms, magnesium citrate, malate, fumarate, glycinate and taurate. Magnesium chloride is very effectively absorbed when applied topically. I'll talk more about this later. (See So What Can You Do? below.)

Here is one good way to assess the quality of nutritional supplements. When comparing products, the one with the better utilized form of magnesium is likely to be of higher quality.

Why Do We Need Magnesium?
If you have a significant health condition, it is always wise to consult your personal health care provider before beginning a supplementation program.

Do You Need Energy?

Of course you do. Every single function of your body (including healing) utilizes energy. The process of making, using, and storing energy requires magnesium. Here's a quote from the book. "Without magnesium there is no energy, no movement, no life." There is no You.

Some people experience noticeable increases in their energy levels when they start magnesium supplementation.

Enzymes Are Required For Life

According to the book, there are 325 enzymes dependent on magnesium to function. Everything in your body occurs as a result of countless chemical reactions. Enzymes are proteins that catalyze these reactions, making it possible for them to occur.

What About Aging?

Why do we age? One measure of aging is the amount of enzyme vitality that your body has. Enzyme depletion is a significant factor. When the body becomes depleted of enzymes, or when the enzymes are present but not functioning effectively, things start falling apart, and healing just doesn't happen like it used to. Making sure your body has abundant supplies of magnesium keeps those enzymes humming.

Cellular Activity

"Magnesium is the single most important mineral for maintaining proper electrical balance and facilitating smooth metabolism in the cells." It is essential for the transport of substances across cell membranes, and for modulating cellular electrical activity.

Cardiovascular Health

Magnesium promotes normal blood pressure. "Magnesium is proving to be very important in the maintenance of heart health and in the treatment of heart disease. Magnesium is useful in preventing death from heart attack and protects against further heart attacks." As I mentioned above, when someone has a heart attack, intravenous magnesium is given during transport to the hospital.

Immune System and Detoxification

Magnesium is critical for a well-functioning immune system and the body's ability to heal itself. The process of detoxifying the body of toxins and pathogenic organisms consumes tremendous amounts of magnesium. Considering the ever-increasing exposure of people to toxins in today's society, this is increasingly a factor contributing to magnesium deficiency.

Central Nervous System, the Brain, and Cognitive Function

"A magnesium deficit may lead to decreased memory and learning ability, while an abundance of magnesium may improve cognitive function."

"Magnesium deficiency may cause aggressive behavior, depression, or suicide. Magnesium calms the brain and people do not need to become severely deficient in magnesium for the brain to become hyperactive."


"Magnesium is necessary for the production, function and transport of insulin." It helps regulate blood sugar levels. Deficiency increases the likelihood that diabetes will develop, and makes it more difficult to manage. Diabetes also further depletes magnesium stores.

DNA and Protein Synthesis

"Magnesium is necessary for the physical integrity of the double helix of DNA, which carries genetic information and the code for specific proteins." This mineral is required for synthesis of proteins, the building blocks of the body. Cells are continually being replaced, requiring constant availability of magnesium.

All of the Systems of the Body

Looking at the chapter titles of the book gives a sense that every function of the body requires magnesium. Everything!

Mark Sircus says that he recommends magnesium to essentially everyone who comes to him with a health condition, whatever it may be. Because this vital mineral contributes to so many aspects of health and healing.

If you have a significant health condition, it is always wise to consult your personal health care provider before beginning a supplementation program.


Cancer cells are always present within the body. Under normal circumstances they are kept under control by a whole host of protective mechanisms. Having abundant supplies of basic nutrients supports the body in functioning efficiently and in remaining healthy. With deficiencies in numerous minerals (including magnesium) reaching epidemic proportions, these protective mechanism are breaking down. Add in the constant exposure to the toxic substances surrounding us, and it's no wonder that cancer is on the rise.

So What Can You Do?
It can certainly be beneficial to take magnesium supplements. Consider also doing the following . . .

Apply Magnesium To Your Skin!!

I was unaware of this until I read Mark Sircus' book, Transdermal Magnesium Therapy. The body is extraordinarily efficient in utilizing liquid magnesium that is applied to the skin.

The body is limited in its ability to benefit from oral magnesium supplements. Dosages that would replenish deficiencies actually result in diarrhea. As mentioned above, according to the book, the body only utilizes about 30% of oral magnesium.

Depending on the person's level of magnesium deficiency, the absorption rate of transdermal magnesium is much higher. And if more has been applied than the body requires, what remains on your skin can be absorbed later.

Since the body controls the rate of absorption of topically applied magnesium, any potential chance of getting too much is essentially eliminated. (More about this below. See Can I Get Too Much?)

Now that I realize how important magnesium is, I apply it topically every day. And I carry a small bottle wherever I go. Any time I eat in a restaurant or I eat packaged foods, I apply more magnesium. (Want to know why? Read my posting about MSG. MSG - Part 2 - Why It Affects You. If you are interested, you can get to Part 1 about MSG from there.)

If you have a significant health condition, it is always wise to consult your personal health care provider before beginning a supplementation program.

Where to Get Transdermal Magnesium

You should be able to find it in the supplement section of your health food store. Personally, I recommend the product that is sold by the Life Enthusiast website. I sell quite a bit of this product, because I talk with everyone about the importance of magnesium. It is inexpensive, effective, and easy to use.

Magnesium oil is magnesium chloride in energized water. Magnesium gel is the same with some seaweed extract added.


Dr. Norman Shealy discovered that when magnesium chloride is applied topically, DHEA levels in the body rise naturally. (Why this occurs is not entirely clear.) DHEA is an anti-aging hormone. The DHEA boost only occurs with magnesium chloride administered transdermally. Oral and intravenous magnesium do not have this effect.

Can I Get Too Much?

If you have a significant health condition, it is always wise to consult your personal health care provider before beginning a supplementation program.

The likelihood of overdosing with magnesium is very low. According to the book, the only circumstances in which overdose symptoms are likely to occur are as follows. First, when a person has kidney disease, their ability to control magnesium levels through urination is limited. They should only supplement with magnesium as approved by their doctor. Second, when a person is so deficient that they have been given multiple intravenous doses of magnesium, they could potentially experience an overdose. In this case, any symptoms should disappear shortly after the intravenous administration is stopped.

If you have a significant health condition, it is always wise to consult your personal health care provider before beginning a supplementation program.

There's Always More . . .

But I have to stop some time. This post is already quite long. Whew!

Want to Know More?

Read the book! Transdermal Magnesium Therapy, by Mark Sircus, Ac., O.M.D.

Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium!

Sandra Lynn Lee
Certified Practitioner - The Emotion Code/The Body Code
Certified Healing Codes Practitioner
Miracle Inspirations
Everything in this newsletter is the opinion of the author and is provided for informational and educational purposes only. When information is drawn from outside sources, both credit and access to the source are given, when available.
Copyright 2011 Miracle Inspirations. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

MSG - Part 1 - It's Everywhere

Increasingly, health conscious people believe that MSG is harmful to health. Despite this widespread concern, the culprit in 'Chinese restaurant syndrome' is now being added to more and more foods. In fact, if you eat packaged and restaurant foods, it can be difficult to completely avoid MSG.

In this posting, I'll share about what MSG is and why it is so prevalent in our food supply.
Very few people understand why MSG is harmful. In MSG - Part 2 - Why It Affects You I will explain a bit about how the brain works, and how MSG affects brain function. Then I'll share some things that you can do to protect your brain.

Enhancing Flavor - Can You Eat Just One?

MSG makes foods taste better. It provides a flavor called Umami, savoriness or deliciousness. Makers of restaurant and packaged foods add MSG, because they want us to eat more. They want us to be addicted to their products. Have you ever been able to eat just one potato chip? Particularly the ones covered with that tasty stuff? It's practically impossible, right? Well, what's in the tasty stuff? MSG, probably in multiple forms.

What is MSG? Where Does It Come From?

Monosodium glutamate is the name commonly used for free glutamic acid. Glutamic acid is an amino acid that naturally occurs in proteins. Some free glutamic acid occurs naturally in whole foods that are consumed raw, or are cooked with the methods that people commonly utilize in their homes.

Industrial processes to hydrolyze proteins alter the amino acid structure, producing free glutamic acid in much higher quantities. Hydrolyzed protein always contains free glutamic acid (basically MSG).

MSG is white and granular. It used to be available as Accent in grocery stores.

It's Hidden In Our Packages - Everywhere!

Have you looked at labels and seen hydrolyzed protein? Or soy protein isolate? What about vegetable protein? These innocent-seeming protein ingredients are pervasive throughout processed foods.

It is possible to use chemical processes to significantly reduce the amount of MSG (or glutamic acid) in the final hydrolyzed protein, but the food and chemical companies don't go to that expense. Glutamic acid makes the food taste good, so food companies want us to consume it. They want us to want more . . . and more.

To make the situation worse, the FDA allows manufacturing companies to put deceptive information on labels. Yeast extract and soy protein isolate, for example, always contain free glutamic acid (basically MSG). Bouillon and flavorings usually contain free glutamic acid. When ingredient manufacturers make "natural flavorings" they put in a wide variety of ingredients, and they can even add in MSG.

When the "natural flavorings" ingredient is then included in a food product, "natural flavorings" is shown on the label. None of the individual ingredients contained in the "natural flavorings" are listed. In some cases, it is not even necessary that ingredients including MSG be listed on the label at all.

Do you coffee drinkers know that popular coffee restaurants are rumored to put MSG into their coffee? If it's not actually in the coffee itself - though it could be - it is almost certainly going to be in the flavorings and sweeteners. Maybe that's why people stand in long lines to get their pricey coffee drinks.

Here is an interesting distinction from the Truth in Labeling site. 'If MSG is processed into a product instead of being poured into a product, they declare that there is "no MSG added" or "no added MSG," even though they know full well that the product contains MSG.'

Below are links to a site where you can get lists of ingredients that contain MSG. But make sure you get to my other posting MSG - Part 2 - Why It Affects You for information about how the brain works, and why MSG has such powerful impacts on our bodies.

Truth in Labeling Campaign

This organization is dedicated to education and advocacy about MSG issues.

List of MSG containing ingredients. I highly recommend that you review this comprehensive list, which includes ingredients that often, but do not always contain MSG.

The following ALWAYS contain MSG. Glutamate, glutamic acid, gelatin, calcium caseinate, textured protein, sodium caseinate, yeast nutrient, yeast extract, yeast food, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed protein, hydrolyzed corn gluten.

Non-specific ingredient names like seasonings and natural flavorings are very highly likely to contain MSG.

Powdered milk and cheese ingredients are likely to contain MSG. I think powdered eggs are suspicious, as are powdered garlic, onions, and vegetables. 'Organic' foods that contain 'autolyzed yeast' and 'natural flavoring' will contain MSG.

Are you reacting to MSG? This is a list of adverse reactions that people have experienced. I discuss reactions further in MSG - Part 2 - Why It Affects You.

Why do government and industry hide the fact that MSG is in our food?

This link takes to you to a Truth in Labeling page that gives details. To get straight to the point about it, ultimately, it's all about money. Increased sales, lowered costs, and wanting people to be unhealthy, so they will go to the doctor and take more drugs.

The Soy Connection

Hydrolyzed soy protein is added to many packaged foods. Why? First, food producers want you to eat more, and MSG certainly encourages hearty consumption. Second, putting soy protein in foods provides a profitable outlet for the waste that is left over after soy oil is removed from the beans. In a 2007 blog posting, I wrote about Kaayla Daniel's book, The Whole Soy Story. In the book, you learn that soy protein isolate was developed as a product, because soy oil producers had endless amounts of soy protein to dispose of. So they found a way to feed it to us. Very good for them, very bad for us.

Protein powders and protein bars, which people usually eat for their health, are mostly full of soy protein. If they are not soy based, the proteins may still be hydrolyzed and contain MSG.

Read Food Labels!

I did some label-reading research. I found MSG in some places that I was looking for it, and surprisingly, I did not find it in other places. I was encouraged to find that some packaged foods now actually do not contain MSG, at least not in the 'listed' ingredients. What is not listed we just can't identify. I was happy to find that some products actually specifically state "Contains traces of soybeans." In an earlier posting, I wrote about soy. Many people are allergic to soy, so the almost complete removal of soy from some products, and the labeling of products regarding the presence of soy is a big leap forward.

My first research subject was a popular brand of nacho cheese chips. You can't eat just one chip. I include all of the ingredients here, so you can see how processed this food is. Ingredients on the Truth in Labeling ALWAYS CONTAINS MSG list are in BOLD ITALICS CAPS. Ingredients that usually contain MSG are in bold italics.

Nacho cheese chips: selected corn, vegetable oil (sunflower and/or canola oils), seasoning (salt, cheddar cheese, corn maltodextrin, wheat flour, whey, MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE, buttermilk solids, romano cheese, whey protein concentrate, onion powder, hydrogenated vegetable oil, corn flour, lactose, natural and artificial flavor, dextrose, tomato powder, spices (still suspect, I think), lactic acid, color, citric acid, sugar, garlic powder, red and green bell pepper powder, SODIUM CASEINATE, disodium inosinate (which works with MSG), disodium guanylate (works with MSG), skim milk powder, whey protein isolate, corn syrup solids), calcium hydroxide. So you can see that it's full of the stuff.

For the following products, only the relevant ingredients are listed here.

A popular brand of corn chips seems to be MSG-free, at least from the label.

Semolina pasta seems to be MSG-free, at least from the label.

A popular brand of pasta sauce contains spices, onion powder, garlic powder, and dehydrated parsley (each of which could be suspicious), citric acid, flavor

Wheat crackers contain malt flour, spice extract
A popular brand of cookies contains artificial flavor, dried egg (suspicious)

A popular children's cereal contains natural fruit flavorings. I was actually impressed that this cereal did not contain more overtly MSG ingredients. I hope this means that they have actually improved the quality of the product, though I doubt it. Of course, it is still filled with sweeteners. Another brand of cereals boxes that I looked at did say "Contains traces of soybeans."

A popular brand of bread contains yeast. I am suspicious of some of the ingredients on the label, and wonder what is not on the label. It does definitely contain soy. Soybean oil, defatted soy flour (potential MSG), calcium propionate, sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate, monoglycerides, sorbic acid. It also contains wheat flour.

What is in my kitchen? My husband's bread contains soy in several forms, and yeast.

A popular "natural" brand of crackers contain spices (suspect), whey, malt extract, cultured buttermilk, SODIUM CASEINATE, maltodextrin, AUTOLYZED YEAST, citric acid, natural flavor.

Ketchup contains natural flavorings.

Bottles of a popular brand of seasoning that is considered healthy used to say "No MSG", but apparently they can't claim that anymore, because it is a soy product and contains isolated soy proteins.
So, that's it. Whew.

Make sure you get to MSG - Part 2 - Why It Affects You.

Educational Presentations About MSG

I give presentations about this and other food- and health-related topics. Feedback that I've received indicates that people take home information that positively impacts their food purchasing patterns. If you are interested in scheduling a presentation for a group, please contact me.

MSG - Part 2 - Why It Affects You

On to what happens when we eat the stuff!

You Are What You Eat! Choose Real Food for Health!

Sandra Lynn Lee
Certified Practitioner - The Emotion Code/The Body Code
Certified Healing Codes Practitioner
Miracle Inspirations
Everything in this newsletter is the opinion of the author and is provided for informational and educational purposes only. When information is drawn from outside sources, both credit and access to the source are given, when available.
Copyright 2011 Miracle Inspirations. All rights reserved.